Saturday, July 23, 2016




                London, The United English Kingdom


It’s the year 2063. Now, I know that is far too long for most of us to fathom, but this year, far more than any other, will change how we perceive all of our possibilities. That change begins with an extraordinary discovery, and with that discovery we will begin to jumpstart our own evolution.


That discovery is the creation of artificial intelligence.


I shouldn’t say artificial intelligence. For us to create a sentient lifeform, even out of something as advanced as a computer, is nearly impossible, and will be for at least another billion years in my opinion. We cannot even fully comprehend what our brains are even capable yet, at an idle 10 percent.


But our quest for immortality, the fear death, and the craving of knowledge will drive Robert Relish to explore the options of immortality, and with it he will change everything leading us eventually to the events that transpire in A New Divide


We crave things, the seven sins, or, the pillars of human nature - are of course Greed, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, and Wrath. In large doses, any single one of these will ruin a person, but we all have them, they create desire, and there is always one that stirs more heavily than the other. They are us, they drive desire.


What would a person really be like without them?


I wonder.


Are you curious too?


                And this is my introduction to a new story, that will be posted weekly only on this website – so you will have a better understanding of A New Divide, how its events reflect our current humanity, and how we become something better than what is predicted of us.


Coming Soon: The Ripple Effect

Thursday, July 21, 2016

It's Alive!!

So, know its been awhile, and honestly if anyone were reading this I'd have to jump up an kiss you.

My excuses  and reasons aside for why I haven't been posting anything in the last couple of months are irrelevant.

amongst music festivals, the salvation army selling me a bedbug infested couch, and other equally frustrating, and equally exhilarating adventures - i just really want to start writing again. 

Soon, these blog posts will turn into a free source of entertainment. 

There is a lot to A New Divide, pretty much an entire universe of its own. 

So these future posts will serve to answer all of the questions I've been avoiding with these last couple of months. these are not simple answers, and I tingle with anticipation every time someones asks - good thing I'm better at writing then talking.

The first one will take a few posts to cover, but i will answer: How, Why, and When do leave Mother Earth?

The first phase starts with this age of technology we find ourselves in, and how it is growing exponentially to point where - something - is bound to happen soon :)

stay tuned.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Yesterday, in less than 24 hours, my novel sold 16,000 copies.
As of today i can officially call myself a best-selling author on Amazon Kindle. It's an incredible feeling, i'm waking up from a dream that has lied with me for as long as i can remember.
Although it was free, no matter how this plays out almost 20,000 now have it in their possession, and I am eternally grateful for everyone who has made this a possibility.
And as a note to my (hopefully) soon to be fans, dare i say 'fans', thank you for having your mind open when you chose my book, out of all of the reputable authors out there.
Thank you, I love you, and I look forward to writing the best content I possibly can for you. It should prove, if nothing else, entertaining.
Nathaniel Patrick Sanders
‪#‎FollowTheReader‬ (whatever hashtag means)

Friday, January 29, 2016

A New Divide: My Great Expedition

I feel compelled to tell you this story. You see, instead of offering a few short sentences about my considerably normal life, I wish to tell you about myself in the ways that I know best.

This is a story, my story of how I came to write A New Divide.

For as long as I can remember I have always loved stories, since I can remember television and books. My dream for the longest time was to become a screenwriter in Hollywood (it still kind of is).
When I was 14 I wrote a bit of StarCraft fan fiction. It was a new take on the series and it took cinematic approach to custom downloaded maps. With new characters and vibrant worlds it was really something to look at – all based off my dramatic story telling style. I worked on this story harder than anything I had ever pursued. Then, one day, I had completed roughly half of it (recording all the audio and music myself) and my computer crashed, a virus had corrupted my hard drive and with no backups – I lost everything.
That left a hole and I began to stray from my writing trying to pursue an idea that could really work for me. When I was about 16-17 the people around me began to start preaching how “unrealistic” my goals are. My initial response was: “you have no idea what you are talking about, I can do this.”
After I got out of high school everything changed for me. I decided that I really enjoyed drugs, marijuana and acid specifically. These substances changed the way I thought about the world and at 19 years old I set out to claim my personal independence. I got an apartment with my two best friends at the time – Evan Traxler, and Mikel Birch. I had a job and I was making money, but I was struggling I was a line cook at Wendy’s my life pursuit soon became consumed by the need to make more money.

I spent a few years wading between jobs, and the stress it created for me was insurmountable – especially dealing with my roommates who eventually lost their jobs and I had to pick up their slack.

Eventually, because of how I felt about my friends, and because of my detest I held for my hometown, I decided to move upstate to get away from all of the madness my life had become – bogged down with debt and constantly reminded by mistakes I had made in the past.

I landed in Hamilton Lake Indiana. I got a place overlooking the beautiful lake; it was close to my new factory job and I was content with my living situation – but I was lonely. There was nobody around except for my landlord’s son and he worked opposite shifts compared to me.
In my lonely days spent looking over the lake I had an epiphany. I remembered the StarCraft fan fiction I had wrote 8 years prior and I decided to make it my own. I began to create the world and I called it A New Divide. A New Divide would be a tale about choice, and even 1500 years from now people are still just divided as they were when they left Earth. A New Divide is a lesson that teaches adversity to all of humanity following events that almost lead it to its extinction. The next step in human evolution will be its last.

However in February of 2013 my life would begin to fall into a pit where no light could be seen.

In one week I got fired from my job, acquired a $150 ticket, defaulted on a personal loan, and my rent got raised to $1000 a month plus all utilities; since I lived paycheck to paycheck that was a scary thought, with four months still left on the lease, and no way left to pay.

Throughout the next couple of months, I lost both new jobs and I was once again buried in debt. I sold everything I had ever owned, excluding the clothes on my back, and including my first car. And all the extra money I had left I spent on drugs, I needed to escape my harsh realities, not knowing how much more it would cost me.
I had one hope, to leave to California to live with my father, and after months of planning – the week I was supposed to leave I found out he lied about my asylum there and I was left with nothing.
I was homeless for weeks until my parents graciously agreed to take me in.
That was the lowest I had ever been and there was no light I could see. So, in the two months it took me to get a job at where I still currently work, I wrote the entire first draft of A New Divide on my broken cellphone.
That was two years ago. I slowly built up my life, paid off my debt, and lifted my confidence.
I found that we can make all of excuses we want for not pursuing the things we truly desire, but in the darkest of moments you can find the courage to do what is necessary. I thought of that, and writing this book was… instinct.
Life is all about what you make of it, and because I hit rock bottom I have an incredible amount of gratitude for everyone who supported me, and everything I own.

Now as for the creative journey I took through my mind trying to write this book, I’ll save that for another post. My point here is – inspiration gained from is experience is EVERYTHING. Why would people ever read what you have to offer if you have never been in their shoes?

I hope you all enjoyed this little bit about my life, and I hope it’s enough to make you appreciate everything that is right in your life. I’ll be posting here at least once every week writing stories and content that are relative to A New Divide.

If you have any stories you would like to share, please leave a comment below – I always love any opportunity to participate in the human experience.

With Love:

Nathaniel Patrick Sanders

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Free Ebook Downloads Everyone Wins!

COMING FREE - 1/30 - 1/31

Collect your edition before they're gone!

Free Ebook giveaway on Amazon, with nothing to lose and only something to gain click here.

All you have to do is download the free knidle app, and press buy now for $0.00 on the amazon sales page.

Take a leap of faith and donate none of your money, and a few hours of your precious time, to read what may inspire you for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thank You.

Thank You:
This may be the most significant thing I ever post.
At least to me, and what it means to my remarkably normal existence.
I work in a kitchen, I live with my parents, and I am 25 years old, and just recently I became a published author.
There were always so many things I - felt - like I wanted to do. I wanted to go to college, I dropped out. I wanted to fall in love and I failed at that too.
I've always had this remarkable ability to rise from the ashes due to the people who support me. It's the one thing I used to always turn to. And because of my reliance on others, even when I tried so hard to set out on a journey myself, I never found any peace of mind.
And now I have accomplished something I have dreamed of since I can remember television. Now I realize that I am content; content with my life for the first time in my life. I'm not rich, I'm not known - it's the journey, the gears I have set in motion that led me to this sort of “personal enlightenment”. Even if I am destined to be a starving author for the rest of my life, I will die happy.
I've been always kind of stubborn when it came to accepting my realities, financial and material - I can't help it I like nice things - but it never filled the hole, writing was the only thing that soothed me - I never imagined that my life's most persistent passion would be such an easy thing to forget.
But eventually I did remember when the walls came crashing down. But here’s the thing: once you hit rock bottom – you can only look up.
Once you climb, you will learn that courage comes with small strides. And you will shake the judgment off your shoulders the closer you rise to the light.
I guess what I really want to say is thank you. Thank you.
I’ve just received my first organic review, and it took awhile to soak in, but they loved it and I never understood why that was so significant – until today.
Everything important you ever learn in life will come from someone that you know, and we need to cherish that – embrace that, and never let anyone take that from us. These people who are violent in the world today do not appreciate just how significant everyone can be, no matter how different we are.
So thank you, and even though we may never meet I want you to know that I appreciate you, for watching, for being the true inspirational motivation for ALL of my work. And also to my family, and my friends, and all of the people that have past my by, I love you, and I am finally happy – and none of this would have been possible were it not for you.
I look forward to writing for all of you.
Nathaniel Patrick Sanders