Thursday, July 21, 2016

It's Alive!!

So, know its been awhile, and honestly if anyone were reading this I'd have to jump up an kiss you.

My excuses  and reasons aside for why I haven't been posting anything in the last couple of months are irrelevant.

amongst music festivals, the salvation army selling me a bedbug infested couch, and other equally frustrating, and equally exhilarating adventures - i just really want to start writing again. 

Soon, these blog posts will turn into a free source of entertainment. 

There is a lot to A New Divide, pretty much an entire universe of its own. 

So these future posts will serve to answer all of the questions I've been avoiding with these last couple of months. these are not simple answers, and I tingle with anticipation every time someones asks - good thing I'm better at writing then talking.

The first one will take a few posts to cover, but i will answer: How, Why, and When do leave Mother Earth?

The first phase starts with this age of technology we find ourselves in, and how it is growing exponentially to point where - something - is bound to happen soon :)

stay tuned.

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