Sunday, January 31, 2016


Yesterday, in less than 24 hours, my novel sold 16,000 copies.
As of today i can officially call myself a best-selling author on Amazon Kindle. It's an incredible feeling, i'm waking up from a dream that has lied with me for as long as i can remember.
Although it was free, no matter how this plays out almost 20,000 now have it in their possession, and I am eternally grateful for everyone who has made this a possibility.
And as a note to my (hopefully) soon to be fans, dare i say 'fans', thank you for having your mind open when you chose my book, out of all of the reputable authors out there.
Thank you, I love you, and I look forward to writing the best content I possibly can for you. It should prove, if nothing else, entertaining.
Nathaniel Patrick Sanders
‪#‎FollowTheReader‬ (whatever hashtag means)

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