Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thank You.

Thank You:
This may be the most significant thing I ever post.
At least to me, and what it means to my remarkably normal existence.
I work in a kitchen, I live with my parents, and I am 25 years old, and just recently I became a published author.
There were always so many things I - felt - like I wanted to do. I wanted to go to college, I dropped out. I wanted to fall in love and I failed at that too.
I've always had this remarkable ability to rise from the ashes due to the people who support me. It's the one thing I used to always turn to. And because of my reliance on others, even when I tried so hard to set out on a journey myself, I never found any peace of mind.
And now I have accomplished something I have dreamed of since I can remember television. Now I realize that I am content; content with my life for the first time in my life. I'm not rich, I'm not known - it's the journey, the gears I have set in motion that led me to this sort of “personal enlightenment”. Even if I am destined to be a starving author for the rest of my life, I will die happy.
I've been always kind of stubborn when it came to accepting my realities, financial and material - I can't help it I like nice things - but it never filled the hole, writing was the only thing that soothed me - I never imagined that my life's most persistent passion would be such an easy thing to forget.
But eventually I did remember when the walls came crashing down. But here’s the thing: once you hit rock bottom – you can only look up.
Once you climb, you will learn that courage comes with small strides. And you will shake the judgment off your shoulders the closer you rise to the light.
I guess what I really want to say is thank you. Thank you.
I’ve just received my first organic review, and it took awhile to soak in, but they loved it and I never understood why that was so significant – until today.
Everything important you ever learn in life will come from someone that you know, and we need to cherish that – embrace that, and never let anyone take that from us. These people who are violent in the world today do not appreciate just how significant everyone can be, no matter how different we are.
So thank you, and even though we may never meet I want you to know that I appreciate you, for watching, for being the true inspirational motivation for ALL of my work. And also to my family, and my friends, and all of the people that have past my by, I love you, and I am finally happy – and none of this would have been possible were it not for you.
I look forward to writing for all of you.
Nathaniel Patrick Sanders

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