Saturday, July 23, 2016




                London, The United English Kingdom


It’s the year 2063. Now, I know that is far too long for most of us to fathom, but this year, far more than any other, will change how we perceive all of our possibilities. That change begins with an extraordinary discovery, and with that discovery we will begin to jumpstart our own evolution.


That discovery is the creation of artificial intelligence.


I shouldn’t say artificial intelligence. For us to create a sentient lifeform, even out of something as advanced as a computer, is nearly impossible, and will be for at least another billion years in my opinion. We cannot even fully comprehend what our brains are even capable yet, at an idle 10 percent.


But our quest for immortality, the fear death, and the craving of knowledge will drive Robert Relish to explore the options of immortality, and with it he will change everything leading us eventually to the events that transpire in A New Divide


We crave things, the seven sins, or, the pillars of human nature - are of course Greed, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, and Wrath. In large doses, any single one of these will ruin a person, but we all have them, they create desire, and there is always one that stirs more heavily than the other. They are us, they drive desire.


What would a person really be like without them?


I wonder.


Are you curious too?


                And this is my introduction to a new story, that will be posted weekly only on this website – so you will have a better understanding of A New Divide, how its events reflect our current humanity, and how we become something better than what is predicted of us.


Coming Soon: The Ripple Effect

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